1. Fat tire electric bikes will allow you to seek your adventure. The large tires provide increased balance and control giving you the confidence to be more adventurous. A fat electric bike is a go anywhere bike. They will not only give you a great experience in the snow, but they also allow you to seek out epic adventures from sandy rocky shorelines to muddy backwoods trails.
2. Fat tire electric bikes are very comfortable. The large volume low pressure tires act as shock absorbers. The Driftless has the comfort of an air ride equipped semi, but with the maneuverability of a sports car. Since the large tires absorb a lot of the vibration from riding, there is less stress on your hands and lower back.
3. Fat tire electric bikes were originally designed for riding over snow, but advancements in frame designs and parts have allowed them to be an all-season bike. Fat bike frame designs started to become more like mountain bikes allowing people to ride their fat bike on the trails in summer and keep up with their friends on regular mountain bikes. The big tires give fat bikes the ability to ride on snow, sand, mud, dirt, gravel, rocks, pavement, etc.